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Immersion Blog

A collection of articles, thoughts, and actual neurological measurements from the Immersion team.

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Older Americans Choose to Age in the Comfort of their Homes with Digital Tech to Help

In the near future (by 2034) - there will be more adults over the age of 65 than children under the...

Machine learning identifies hit songs - 97% accuracy

Predicting hit songs in notoriously difficult. Researchers have now applied machine learning (ML)...

What Neuroscience Reveals About Employee Experience

Experiences matter for employees and customers.

Fight the Loneliness Epidemic With Neuroscience

U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy released a report highlighting the negative health impacts of...

Neuroscience News

In the midst of America's "behavioral health crisis" - this is what we love to see.Our emotional...

Immersion Stands Alone in Neuro-marketing

In today's competitive marketplace, it's essential that businesses fully understand their...

Neuroscience Presents Mental Health Opportunity

Imagine a world where preventative healthcare interventions happen at just the right time, where...

Set for Sentencing:  Immersion Helps Lawyers Humanize Convicted People During Sentencing

This week, our very own Dr. Paul Zak was on Doug Passon's podcast - "Set for Sentencing."