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Immersion Blog

A collection of articles, thoughts, and actual neurological measurements from the Immersion team.

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Embracing Neural Diversity & Predicting Behavior

Emotional Fitness: Where to Start

Discover the evolution of "emotional fitness" from its recognition in 1949 to today’s innovative...

Is Brand Love a Thing? Unlocking the Science

Brand love goes beyond mere loyalty—it's a deep, emotional connection that transforms customers...

Does Social Connection Increase Happiness?

As we navigate the complexities of modern life, the 2024 World Happiness Report sheds light on the...

Double Cupcakes - Measuring the Impact of Live Experiences

Why do people flock to live theater events in an age where digital entertainment is just a click...

Confelicity and Behavior Change

In this blog we explore the idea of 'confelicity' - the joy in sharing others' happiness - which is...

Celebrating Connections & Growth on International Women's Day

Hello, dear readers! As a woman dedicated to and working in the fascinating world of neuroscience...

Increasing happiness and well-being in older adults (and beyond)

A recent peer-reviewed academic article demonstrates how Immersion levels accurately predict stated...