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Executive Coaching
Paul J. Zak3 min read

Become an Immersion Neuroscience Certified Coach


We are announcing an important new program Immersion has co-designed with executive coach Dr. Justin J. Kennedy, the founder of the neuroscience coaching platform npnHub. We are jointly offering a course that will teach coaches in the latest neuroscience and provide them with Immersion's powerful and easy to use technology that measures coaching effectiveness neurologically. Coaches who complete this program will ensure that their clients get the most from coaching and the certificate will be a significant differentiator of their services. 

We believe that understanding neuroscience and measuring brain activity are essential to effective coaching. Here are the reasons why we created this certification program.

First, coaching is designed to be transformative; no one disagrees with this. But how is transformation quantified? Two decades of peer-reviewed published science from the lab of Immersion's co-founder Dr. Paul J. Zak has identified the brain basis for thriving. The brain network that values social-emotional experiences, that we named "Immersion," is the basis for the technology developed by Immersion Neuroscience. Immersion's app that measures thriving continuously and at scale is in current use by organizational change consultants, human resource leaders, and wellness professionals to create workplaces in which employees are consistently productive, innovative, and satisfied with their jobs. Put differently, companies use the Immersion technology to ensure employees are objectively thriving--this is the key to building a sustainable business. The success of neuroscience-led organizational transformation initiatives resulted in conversations between Drs. Zak and Kennedy about how coaches and their coachees could benefit by measuring thriving and quantifying individual transformation.  

The second reason for this program is to give coachees a simple to understand and objective goal to increase thriving. Dr. Zak's research has shown that people who have six or more well-defined peak Immersion experiences per day are fully-engaged in life and as a result have high energy and positive mood. This is just where the clients of coaches want to end up.  Indeed, Immersion Neuroscience's app to measure thriving is called SIX. Dr. Zak's research has also shown that people who have three or fewer high value moments are disengaged and they have low energy and negative moods.  

The objective return on coaching is quantified by having coachees share their average number of daily peak Immersion experience prior to coaching and then track how many they have after coaching concludes using the SIX app. These data cannot be faked  and do not require coaches to answer weird questions in some journal every day.  Instead, they simply download the SIX app on their phones, pair it with any one of over two dozen supported wearables and smartwatches, and add their coach as a "Friend" to whom SIX data is shared. The SIX app runs continuously and shows users exactly the progress they are making to thrive.

Here's another reason coaches need this certification: feedback. By giving coachees a goal, the SIX app reinforces behavioral changes recommended by coaches. SIX's  continuous feedback between coaching sessions reminds coachees to modify what they had been doing and to make better choices. Coaching is improved with continuous feedback and coachees are motivated to continue on their transformative journey when they see progress. 

A final reason why coaches need the Immersion Neuroscience certification is that coaches themselves get immediate feedback on their own effectiveness during coaching sessions. Coaches can invite their coachees to measure the value of coaching sessions through the SIX app. As soon as the coaching session ends, coaches will get a private report on their phones showing the Immersion and the psychological safety of the coachee. High Immersion coaches proves that information was effectively processed by coachees' brains and is likely to influence their behavior. At the same time, coachees may feel uncomfortable in coaching sessions; this is to be expected. But, if psychological safety is too low, coaches are so anxious that coaching sessions will be ineffective. This information enables coaches to rapidly adapt to coachees needs and thereby provide consistently excellent experiences.  

At some point, everyone needs a coach. But, why should anyone hire you? The Immersion coaching certification, run by Drs. Kennedy and Zak, are what will rapidly improve coaching techniques and prove to skeptical CFOs that coaching has a high return on investment.  

You can sign up for the program here. For more information, reach out to Dr. Kennedy, jj@profkennedy.com.