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How to Measure Value for Video Content

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In a world where visual and video content reign supreme, the stakes have never been higher for advertisers, filmmakers, and content creators to deliver revenue generating videos that drive action. With countless platforms vying for attention, individuals in the U.S. are exposed to as many as 1,000 video ads a day. From movie trailers that need to deliver enough value to sell a ticket in under two minutes to social media videos that need to captivate in mere seconds, every frame counts. Yet, despite billions of dollars invested in video production and advertising annually, many projects fall short, leaving creators and stakeholders grappling with disappointing returns.

The global video advertising market was expected to reach $191 billion in 2024 (Statista), yet a significant portion of this investment is wasted on content that fails to deliver value to audiences. Data from 2018 reported that 65% of viewers skip video ads as soon as they could, and recent data suggests this figure could be as high as 90% on some platforms. This alarming trend underscores the fragile nature of video content success. With stakes this high and potential losses so severe, how can you guarantee your video content truly resonates and drives action?

Goodbye Bias & Bullsh*t, Hello Value Measurement

For brands, businesses, and creators, the risks are monumental. Producing a 30-second national TV commercial can cost between $115,000 and $350,000, excluding the cost of airtime. For key decision-makers and creators—whether you’re crafting a high-stakes movie trailer, an educational video, or the next viral social media campaign—traditional feedback methods simply don’t cut it. 

Using quantitative surveys and focus groups produces biased results that don’t predict the success of your video content. Decisions based on this data yield less success than flipping a coin. Imagine having access to second-level insights revealing exactly how your audience connected with your content as they watched it. Enter Value Measurement, a revolutionary approach that taps directly into what captivates the brain moment-by-moment, providing objective, actionable feedback on the most valuable moments of your video content–the moments that we know will drive recall and future action.  

Value Measurement at Every Stage of Video Production

Value Measurement can be seamlessly integrated into every phase of video production, offering critical insights from concept to completion. For example:

  • Concept and Storyboards
    Before a single frame is shot, Value Measurement can be applied to test concepts and storyboards, ensuring your creative direction resonates with your target audience. By measuring audience reactions to early-stage ideas, you can refine your vision and make data-driven decisions that enhance the final product.
  • Animation and Ad Design
    As you move into animation and ad design, Value Measurement continues to provide real-time feedback. Whether you’re testing different animation styles or refining ad copy, this tool allows you to identify which elements capture attention and evoke the desired emotional response. This ensures that your final content is as engaging as possible.
  • Near-Final Production
    Even in near-final stages, Value Measurement offers invaluable insights. Test your content with real audiences and make last-minute adjustments based on their reactions. Whether it’s tweaking the pacing of a trailer, adjusting the tone of a social media ad, or doing an A/B test for a TV spot, these refinements can be the difference between success and failure. This stage also offers a chance to identify the best channels for different versions of ads to reach different audiences. 

Revolutionize Your Video Content Strategy

The best part? Value Measurement is incredibly easy to implement–from planning stages to the final cut. Imagine effortlessly tapping into the real-time unconscious value your audience is getting, like thousands of other creators and advertisers are already doing. Capture unfiltered moment-by-moment feedback from your audience as they watch your content, so you can deliver more value and drive audience action. 

Don’t miss the chance to transform your video content strategy. With Value Measurement, you move beyond biased feedback and surface-level insights to truly understand and enhance the value of your video content. Join leading creators and advertisers already using this powerful tool to create video content that captivates, engages, and drives success.

To measure Value for your video content, follow these easy steps: 

  • Set Up: Navigate to the ‘Invites’ tab in the SIX app, click ‘Create an Invite’, and select ‘Recorded Video’. Paste the YouTube URL* of the content you want to measure, and click Next. Update any other desired info, then click Share to get a link and QR code which you can share with an audience or community of your choice.
  • Audience Opts-In: Your audience downloads the SIX app, where they can opt-in to anonymously and passively share their experience with you. Participation is always voluntary, and data is fully anonymized to ensure privacy.
  • Measure In-the-Moment: After opting-in, the app guides attendees to pair their smartwatch or wearable and to start measuring. They then sit back and watch the content while our algorithms passively track the release of neurotransmitters like oxytocin and dopamine, signaling the neurologic value they’re getting in real-time.
  • Get Detailed Insights: Once the video ends, open the app to get a FREE Value and Safety Score and a summary of actionable insights. You can also purchase a comprehensive post-event report with a dynamic timeline of experiential impact, demographic summaries, and customized insights to improve future experiences.

By adopting Value Measurement, you can ensure that every video you create delivers maximum impact, drives engagement, and boosts your financial success. Click here to learn more about Value Measurement, or experience it yourself today by scanning the QR code below to see how much your brain loves a fun video!

*Note, we currently only support YouTube video links. You can use a video link that is not publicly listed, as long as it is not set to ‘Private’ and as long as it is not hosted on a YouTube channel that requires a private subscription. You can also measure audio content or written content by uploading it to YouTube.