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Immersion Blog

A collection of articles, thoughts, and actual neurological measurements from the Immersion team.

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Can your Customer Really Tell You What They Like?

How do we understand what people truly enjoy? Especially when it comes to taste.

Understand How Your Content Will Perform BEFORE You Post.

Jumping on the recent trend of marketing with memes can be a powerful yet inexpensive way for...

Your Brain is a Prediction Engine . . . & Market Research has NOTHING on That

"Neuroforecasting is the practice of using neurophysiology to predict population-wide behaviors...

Increase Productivity & Retention With Better Connectedness at Work

Connection. As social creatures we naturally seek out and build connections with others. But, what...

Access to Inspiration: Dr. Paul Zak

Inspiration. It’s the magic that allows us to transcend ordinary human experiences.

Sue Stockdale...

Finger Pulse  Measures Participants Using Only a Smartphone. No Smartwatch required!

Are you having trouble recruiting people for your measurements due to lack of equipment?

Do You Suffer from Brand Narcissism?

Marketers create brand trackers, charts and graphs about how our brand exists in the world. We host...

Need to Trim a Live Event? Duplicate - Don't Lose Data!

You ever send an email too soon and JUST.WANT.IT.BACK? Have your computer crash before you hit save...

Facial Coding Faces Major Controversy

So you want to understand what your customer is feeling when they watch your ads.