Immersion Blog

Thank You to Immersion Super Fans

Written by Paul J. Zak | Nov 26, 2020 1:08:11 PM

"Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others." So said the Roman statesman and philosopher Cicero.

In this week of Thanks, we want to show our gratitude to a very special set of people: The folks who began using the Immersion platform in its earliest incarnation and have become advocates for us.

I'll be honest: V1 of Immersion was not pretty. Data were collected on a PC with USB cables and dongles and we only supported one wearable. It worked just fine and predicted outcomes accurately, but the user interface was awesome for nerds but too techy for some users. We are grateful that these early adopters believed enough in the value the technology created to put up with its clunkiness (though it did come in a beautiful aluminum case a client said was right out of a James Bond film). One of our first clients was a Midwestern ad agency working primarily with nonprofits that was a beta tester and liked the platform so much they asked to keep it. Thank you Joe!

We are also grateful to the research and marketing heads of several movie studios and a TV network who were curious enough about Immersion to use our technology to optimize movie trailers, evaluate new content, and measure why syndicated TV sustains audiences when fresh entertainment is readily available. These innovators understood that Immersion is a game-changer for the entertainment industry and we are gratified that they became clients. Our compassion for them as they face shutdowns and layoffs due to COVID is immense.

We thank journalists who were significantly intrigued by Immersion's Distributed NeuroscienceTM platform that they produced media coverage. Starting out, we did not articulate well enough and that Immersion was democratizing neuroscience. But, they wrote about us anyway and helped educate the marketplace that real neuroscience did not have to be in a lab, slow, and expensive. Branding agencies also adopted the Immersion platform and we are grateful they collaborated with us to convince PR Week to sponsor a film about our technology. Thank you Shane, Jordan, Alex, and Joe.

The COVID economic shutdown accelerated the release of Immersion V2 that launched us into fully mobile mode. We now support seven smartwatches and have designed a much clearer interface. The new design added new metrics including the Awesome Index showing the overall impact of an experience and the world's first passive physiologic measure of psychological safety.   This latter measure identifies when people are ready to learn, ready to enjoy an experience, and ready to engage with others. Our clients measure psychology safety to optimize meetings and training for greater productivity and information recall.

We are also grateful to clients who pushed Immersion into new uses.   Bob Gerard understood how Immersion would help his team of learning architects optimize employee training and demonstrate its value at Accenture. Bob and his colleagues gave us valuable feedback that we built into V2 and gave us the confidence to build a client base in education and training. Thank you Bob!

Finally, I am grateful to all my colleagues at Immersion who worked long hours, persisted through the stress, and performed beyond expectations to delight our clients. They are the true source of our success.

As we move into the new year, many exciting advances are immanent. This reminds me of the French definition of gratitude: A lively sense of future benefit. That is our mission--using our passion and skills to benefit everyone who creates and consumes experiences. Amazing experience create joy--something we all need.