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1 min read

What Neuroscience Reveals About Employee Experience

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Experiences matter for employees and customers.

So what makes a great experience? 

Screen Shot 2023-05-09 at 10.53.31 AMThat's what Dr. Paul Zak discussed on the HR Superstars podcast this week. 

"To have a great experience, I need to be present and I need to be paying attention. But attention just opens the door.," explains Dr. Zak. "I have to be emotionally engaged in the experience and have that resonate with me.

Immersion can measure what the brain loves in real time so you can modify experiences to create amazing value. The neurochemicals associated with an emotionally engage response interact with each other - dopamine and oxytocin, primarily.

They induce electrical signals in the peripheral nervous system that we can pick up from the brain's cranial nerves. Immersion identifies these, not by asking what they felt, but by seeing what employees' brains did.

Once you have a measurement tool - that tool is your key to creating great experiences.

"Asking people is always going to fail."

With Immersion - you know for sure what's working for your employees and what you need to change to reduce attrition and boost productivity. "

Listen to Dr. Paul Zak's full interview on "HR Superstars" HERE


Want to learn more about using Immersion for better employee experiences?

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