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Paul J. Zak

Paul’s two decades of research have taken him from the Pentagon to Fortune 50 boardrooms to the rain forest of Papua New Guinea. All this in a quest to understand the neuroscience of human connection, human happiness, and effective teamwork.

Oxytocin Forms Attachments to Products, Building Customer Loyalty

Loyalty. It is among the most valued traits in our friends and also what brands strive to create...

You're Measuring the Wrong Thing.

We all know vanity metrics exist. We talk about them with disdain, yet we still analyze them and...

10 Ways to Increase the Impact of Your Holiday Ad

Oh, the holidays. The winter holiday season is the make or break time to hit sales targets for many...

Building Trust Remotely

I was privileged to have a LinkedIn Live conversation with Dr. Jeffrey Hull, the Education Director...

Using Immersion to Optimize UX

Retailers are battling each other to capture sales online. Prices matter, but so do services such...

Optimizing Organizational Performance

I've spent much of the last 20 years developing the science of interpersonal trust and showing how...