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Paul J. Zak

Paul’s two decades of research have taken him from the Pentagon to Fortune 50 boardrooms to the rain forest of Papua New Guinea. All this in a quest to understand the neuroscience of human connection, human happiness, and effective teamwork.

Mental Health at Work

Workplace wellness initiatives are on the rise, but not all benefits have the same impact on...

The Neuroscience of Transformation

While transformation is often associated with external changes, it requires internal changes as...

Emotional Hormesis - Why Stress Is Often Beneficial

Did you know a certain amount of stress can actually be beneficial to well-being and productivity?...

Neuroscience Proves the Return on Coaching

Executive and leadership coaches have been seeking an objective way to quantify their coaching...

Emotional Fitness and Dementia

Quality social relationships can reduce the risk of dementia, and Immersion's new Tuesday app can...

Immersion Stands Alone in Neuro-marketing

In today's competitive marketplace, it's essential that businesses fully understand their...

Increase Productivity & Retention With Better Connectedness at Work

Connection. As social creatures we naturally seek out and build connections with others. But, what...

The Neuroscience of Cheating

By all accounts, Carl Shapiro was a shrewd businessman. He built Kay Windsor into one of the...

10 ways to improve your ads

After 20+ years of research in neuromarketing, we've learned a thing or two about what makes the...