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How to Measure Value for Learning and Development

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In an era where continuous learning is essential, the pressure on educators, corporate trainers, and content developers to bridge skill gaps, engage learners, and demonstrate measurable impact and ROI has never been greater. The challenge isn’t just creating content–it’s ensuring it resonates with learners and drives meaningful outcomes. Despite billions invested annually in learning and development (L&D) initiatives, many programs fall short, leaving educators and stakeholders grappling with lackluster results and difficulty justifying program spend.

The global corporate e-learning market, valued at $200 billion in 2019 and expected to reach $400 billion by 2026, underscores the significant benefits of training and upskilling. These initiatives not only boost productivity and improve employee retention but also foster a culture of innovation. Employees equipped with the latest skills perform more efficiently, are more likely to stay with the company, and contribute to a culture of adaptability and innovation. In fact, 76% of employees find companies that offer skills training more appealing, indicating that robust learning opportunities can be a key factor in attracting and retaining top talent. 

However, a considerable portion of this investment is wasted on training that fails to engage or improve performance. Studies indicate that 43% of employees find training ineffective, and 90% of what is learned in training is forgotten within a week without proper reinforcement, according to the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve. This alarming trend highlights the critical need for content that not only captures attention but also ensures long-term retention and application, ultimately delivering value to both employees and organizations.

Goodbye Bias & Bullsh*t, Hello Value Measurement

For L&D professionals, the stakes are higher than ever. Developing a comprehensive training program can cost tens of thousands of dollars, not to mention the time and resources invested. With such significant investment, evaluating the effectiveness of these programs is crucial. Yet, traditional feedback methods—like post-training surveys and focus groups—often fall short. These methods tend to provide biased, surface-level insights, focusing more on what learners enjoyed rather than whether the content had a lasting impact or drove meaningful behavior change. This gap in evaluation can leave you uncertain about whether your training is truly delivering the value it should. But, imagine having the power to access granular, real-time insights into how learners are truly connecting with your content as they experience it.

This is where Value Measurement comes into play—a groundbreaking approach that offers precise, moment-by-moment feedback based on the brain's real-time perception of value. Unlike traditional metrics, Value Measurement taps into the neurological markers of learning, such as dopamine and oxytocin release, which are directly linked to information retention and recall. By identifying these critical moments in your content, you gain objective, actionable insights into which parts of your training are resonating and which need reinforcement. These insights not only highlight immediate value but also predict long-term impact, ensuring that your training investments deliver measurable results and drive sustained learning outcomes.

Revolutionize Your L&D Content Strategy

The beauty of Value Measurement lies in its simplicity and effectiveness. From the planning stages to deploying learning content, it seamlessly integrates into your existing processes. Whether it’s fine-tuning the pacing of a video, adjusting the tone of a tutorial, or refining an interactive workshop, these adjustments are crucial for driving real impact. Imagine effortlessly accessing insights into the real-time unconscious value your learners are gaining, just as many educators and trainers are already doing. By capturing unfiltered, moment-by-moment feedback, you can enhance the value of your content and support learner success.

Value Measurement enables you to go beyond biased feedback and surface-level insights, offering a deeper understanding of how your content resonates with learners. It’s a powerful tool that leading educators and corporate trainers use to create content that not only captivates and educates but also ensures long-term retention. This approach empowers you to refine your L&D strategy, delivering more value and achieving greater impact in your training programs.

Ready to take your learning content to the next level? Here’s how you can start measuring value today:

  • Set Up: Navigate to the ‘Invites’ tab in the SIX app, click ‘Create an Invite’, and select either ‘Recorded Video’ or ‘Live Event’, depending on whether you’re measuring recorded content or a live learning experience. Follow the steps to add a link or schedule your measurement, and adjust any advanced settings as desired.* Click ‘Share’ to get a link and QR code which you can share with learners via email or during the learning session.
  • Learner Opts-In: Learners download the SIX app, where they can opt-in to anonymously and passively share their experience with you. Participation is always voluntary, and data is fully anonymized to ensure privacy.
  • Measure In-the-Moment: After opting-in, the app guides learners to pair their smartwatch or wearable and to start measuring**. They then participate in the learning experience while our algorithms passively track the release of neurotransmitters like oxytocin and dopamine, signaling the neurologic value they’re getting in real-time.
  • Get Detailed Insights: Once the video ends, open the app to get a FREE Value and Safety Score and a summary of actionable insights. You can also purchase a comprehensive post-event report with a dynamic timeline of learning impact, demographic summaries, and customized insights to improve future learning experiences. This report also helps you identify key learning moments that may require follow-up. 

By adopting Value Measurement, you can ensure that every piece of learning content you create delivers maximum impact, drives engagement, and boosts knowledge retention. Click here to learn more about Value Measurement, or experience it yourself today by scanning the QR code below to see how much your brain loves a fun video!

*For pre-recorded content, you have the opportunity to include a follow-up survey under ‘Advanced Settings’

**If you have interest in providing wearable sensors to learners for live sessions, we can help you source them. Email info@getimmersion.com to learn more.